
Using djqgrid is relatively straightforward, but it does take a little work.

Define your model

class MyModel(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=40)
    desc = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    url = models.URLField()
    height = models.IntField()

Define your grid

class MyGrid(Grid):
    model = MyModel

    name = TextColumn(title='Name', model_path='name')
    height = TextColumn(title='Height', model_path='height', align='right')
    desc = LinkColumn(title='Description', model_path='desc', url_builder=lambda m: m.url)

What we have here is a grid associated with MyModel objects - each grid row represents one object. The grid has three columns:

  1. Name - a basic column containing model.name
  2. Height - containing model.height, but right aligned
  3. Description - containing a link - its text will be model.desc and the URL will be model.url

One thing to note is align='right' - this property is passed directly to jqGrid in the column’s colModel. Any property can be passed to jqGrid this way. For example TextColumn(title=..., model_path=..., editable=true) creates an editable column.

Add the grid to your view and template

The view:

define myview(request):
    grid = MyGrid()
    return render(request, 'my_template.html', { grid: grid })

The template:

{% load djqgrid %}

<div id="grid-div">
    {% jqgrid grid %}

Now run the view. You should see a very nice grid that supports paging and sorting.